Where There Is Business, There is SAP

Where There Is Business, There is SAP

A typical business enterprise has numerous departments and units which are constantly communicating with each other to carry out the various operations. The success of any enterprise highly depends on effective communication and the exchange of data. But how to navigate through so much chaos and get work done efficiently? That’s where SAP comes into the picture.

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Source: freepik

What is SAP?

Source: Wikimedia

SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. This is an ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning software developed in 1972 in Walldorf, Germany by Wellenreuther, Hopp, Hector, Plattner, and Tschira. The software aids in managing business operations and customer relationships. The SAP system consists of a number of fully integrated modules, which cover virtually every aspect of business management. 

Leading the ERP industry, SAP customers include around 92% of the Forbes Global 2000 companies. Alongside SAP is also a market share leader in analytics, supply chain management, human capital management, and experience management. 

Why does every business need ERP?

Running a business is tough. Especially following a complicated channel of communication to getting tasks done can slow down the process and productivity. This calls for a centralized system of enterprise resource planning. The benefits of ERP are many, only waiting to be tapped:

  1. Real-Time Information: Having a centralized database conveys all the relevant information to all the internal departments in real-time. For example, the production and sales department can be updated with the current inventory situation as and when they require it. This facilitates fast decision-making and effective execution.
  2. Quality data: ERP software eliminates duplication, discontinuity, and redundancy in data. 
  3. Control: ERP supports and integrates almost every functional area of a business process such as procurement of goods and services, sale and distribution, finance, human resource, manufacturing, and logistics under one complex database. This makes it easier to control and regulate the flow of actions taking place.
  4. Strategizing: A centralized ERP improves capital planning and helps in executing organizational plans and strategies.
  5. Expand reach: An ERP is a network for all the networks. It has the potential to extend the business network to wider domains. It promises long term profit by expanding the products and services to reach more customers, suppliers, and partners. 
  6. Adaptability: The business environment is a dynamic space and having a centralized ERP makes the organization adaptable to the rapid changes in the business process according to the needs.

Future of ERP 

With new businesses being set up every other day, incorporating more employees, and navigating various technical spaces, ERP is bound to become popular among organizations. There are immense opportunities for ERPs to evolve and integrate futuristic technologies such as 5G and AI. There is a scope for innovation to make ERPs mobile, flexible, and more user-friendly.

One thing can be said for sure, Enterprise Resource Planning is the reality and need of every business out there.

Search String in Electronic Bank Reconciliation – MT940 Format – Part II

Search String in Electronic Bank Reconciliation – MT940 Format – Part II


This is with reference to my earlier blog post which is Steps to Activate Electronic Bank Reconciliation Statement – MT940 Format – Part I  where I have mentioned about the activation of EBRS.

Now in this blog we will see one of the features of EBRS i.e.Search String.

Search String is a very useful functionality in EBRS process. with this you can directly change or default the some parameters in combination of Company Code,House Bank & Account ID.

Search strings can also be used to substitute fields based on Profit Center, Cost Center, Offsetting Account, etc.

Here we will see one example of search string use.

E.g. if in the Bank Statement as below you find every time that Bank is mentioning “Consolidated Charges for A/c” while debiting Bank Charges & in this case you want system should pass the entry automatically by debiting GL Account of Bank charges.

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Bank Statement

So for configuration Go to SPRO-IMG

  • Financial Accounting–Bank Accounting–Business Transactions–Payment Transactions–Electronic Bank Statement–Define Search String for Electronic Bank Statement (T Code – OTPM)
  1. Search String Definition 
  • Give the Search string name as per your choice.
  • Enter the word “Consolidated Charges for A/c” in Search String as per above example.
  • Now give the EB03 in target mapping on the left side to change the Posting rule (Please refer more details about posting rule )
  • For simulation enter the text in entry text filed & click on the Test button.
Search String Definition

      2.Search String Definition 

Now click on Search String use to assign this rule for particular House Bank/Account ID.

  • Give Co Code/House Bk/Acct ID
  • Select external transaction as NCHG (which is defined for bank charges)
  • Select Posting value as negative.
  • Select Search string name as Consolidated Charges.
  • Target field will be Posting Rule.
  • Now save the assignment.
Search String Use

So now when you upload the Bank Statement which have above text for Bank charges e.g. Consolidated Charges for A/c. then system will automatically pass the entry by debiting bank charges account & credit to main bank account.

So Conclusion is by this search string you can easily change the posting rule & other Parameters & assign it for a particular Bank Account or Company Code.

I really hope this will be helpful to you.

Please give your feedback/suggestions if any.

Thanks & Regards,

Vicky Gandhi

SAP FI & CO Consultant

Search String in Electronic Bank Reconciliation – MT940 Format – Part II

Steps to Activate Electronic Bank Reconciliation Statement – MT940 Format – Part I


SAP have the features of Electronic Bank Reconciliation Statement (EBRS) process where you can directly upload the Bank Statement in a format called MT940.

In this process SAP will upload statement automatically & at the same time will do sub-ledger posting & clearing.

So here in this blog we can see the basic steps to configure the EBRS for MT940 Format.

Path for configuration EBRS is go to SPRO-IMG

  • Financial Accounting–Bank Accounting–Business Transactions–Payment Transactions–Electronic Bank Statement–Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement (T Code – OT83)
  • Give your Chart of Accounts

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You will get below screen to process :



1) Create Account Symbol for Transaction

  • here specify the nature of Transactions happened in the Bank
  • Generally you need to create new entries for 4 Common Transactions in the Bank & 1 entry for Main Bank as below,
Create Account Symbol

2) Assign GL Accounts to the Accounts Symbol

  • Create new entry’s for GL Account assignment to Accounts symbol
  • For Bank Charges (EBCG) & Interest Account (EBIN) give GL Account Code as mostly it may account in respective GL only.
  • For Cheque Deposited (EBCD) & Cheque Issued (EBCI) give +++++++++1 for IN Bank Account & +++++++++2 for OUT Bank Account in case of multiple bank accounts.(If you have IN Bank Account GL Code last digit is 1 & OUT Bank Account GL Code last digit is 2)
Assign GL Accounts to the Account Symbol

3) Create Key for Posting Rule

  • This is required for automatic Posting of entry’s while reconciliation as per the nature of  transaction Deposited, Cheque Issued, Bank Charges, Bank Interest.
Create Key for Posting Rule

4) Define Posting Rule for Posting key 


Define Posting Rule

  • Please understand this as per below illustration of accounting entries.

5) Create Transaction type

  • Required to create Transaction types for EBRS

e.g. here we have created EB1 for the organisation

  • There are also some Standard Transaction types are available.
Create Transaction Type

6) Assign External Transaction Type to posting Rule

  • External Transactions Types are those which is mentioned in the bank statement for each & every transaction.
  • i.e. NCHK, NTRF, NSTO, NCHG, etc. as bank mentioned their MT940 bank statement format as below
E.g. MT940 Format
  • This Transaction types require to assign to the posting rule which we have created in point No.3 as below with Debit/Credit indicator & Algorithm
Assignment of External transaction type to posting rule
  • If you are maintaining cheque Number in Assignment than use Algorithm 15 against transaction type of cheque. with this system will clear the entry’s by matching the cheque number from the statement.
  • Other cases you can give simple logic as No Interpretation.i.e.system will clear based on the amount.
  • Sign + means incoming entry’s & Sign – means outgoing entry’s

7) Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Types

  • Here you require to give Bank Key, Bank Account Number of all the banks where you want to activate this process & give Transaction Type against all the bank (i.e. EB01) which created as per point no.5
Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Types

So in conclusion basically once you complete the above 7 Steps in SPRO than you can start using the functionality of electronic bank reconciliation in MT940 Format as it saves a lot of time & is error free compare to uploading manual bank statement which is time consuming & prone to clerical errors.

In my next blog i will cover some other features & the transactions related steps.

I really hope this will be helpful to you.

Please give your feedback/suggestion if any.

Thanks & Regards,

Vicky Gandhi

SAP FI & CO Consultant

Sales Order – Level Approval Workflow and release from Credit Block 2 in 1

Sales Order – Level Approval Workflow and release from Credit Block 2 in 1

There are many standard workflow scenarios available but some business requirements can not be satisfied by standard workflows. So it is important to develop something from scratch as per the business requirements. This blog post is mainly focused on the Sales Order Approval Process. In most of the case, there is only one Manager/Approver who is going to approve the SO. This can be managed by the SD Functional by some configuration and with the same configuration, you can also manage multi-level Manager/Approver too. But what if the business requirement is as bellow,

  • While creating or changing SO, a workflow should be triggered to a Manager/Approver.
  • There are 4 Level of Manager/Approver who is going to approve SO one by one.
  • Sales Order is considered to be approved if the Final Approver level has approved it.
    • Final Approver can be Level 1 , Level 2 , Level 3 or Level 4 based on the SO amount fit to the range provided to each level.
    • i.e. Level 1 ( 0 to 1,000 )
    • i.e. Level 2 ( 1,000 to 10,000 )
    • i.e. Level 3 ( 10,000 to 1,00,000 )
    • i.e. Level 4 ( 1,00,000 and above )
    • Now if SO amount is 65,000, Level 3 is the Final Approver.
  • If Sales Order is in Credit Block, workflow should be triggered to a Manager/Approver to release it from Credit Block.

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Before starting step by step implementation, let us see the basic prerequisites.

Custom Table: In SE11 -> ZSO_APPROVAL( Screenshot – 1 )

Table Maintenance : ZSO_APPROVAL. I have changed the screen, Utility->Table Maintenance Generator->Environment->Modification->Maintenance Screen.

( Screenshot – 2 )

Here, it is not necessary to maintain 4 entries. If there is only one entry like MinValue = 1.00 and Max_Value BLANK(Means anything) then Level 1 will be the Final Approver. In case there is no entry found in this custom table for a particular sales order so the sales order will be skipped from this Level-Approval Process and treated as per SAP Standard flow.

There is no Level-Approver to manage Credit Block. Only one approver is going to release sales orders from Credit Block based on the sales order amount.

Class: Create a Class in SE24, ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT with event ‘TRIGGER‘. This class also has some interfaces, methods, and attributes that will be covered after this workflow creation steps.

( Screenshot – 3 )

Function Module: Create a Function Module in SE37 as below. There is no importing or exporting or changing parameters.

( Screenshot – 4 )

Implementation Steps:

Step 1: Create workflow and register Events + Binding.

Goto SWDD and create a new workflow. After ‘Abbreviations’ and ‘Description’ in the ‘Basic Data’ tab, you can register events in the ‘Start Event’ tab. Here, we have two events of standard BO “BUS2032” and one custom event of class “ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT“.

( Screenshot – 5 )

Create following workflow container elements before binding them to the events.

  • Workflow Container.
    • ITAB stores HTML Content
    • ISO  stores VBELN
    • IUSER stores userid while workflow triggered for Credit Release.(VKM1)
    • BUS2032 is BO which will be used for Credit Release.(VKM1)

( Screenshot – 6 )

Binding will be the same for “CREATED” and “CHANGED” events. The required container element will receive some value whenever a sales order is created or changed.

( Screenshot – 7 )

Binding for “TRIGGER” event of class ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT. This event will be triggered manually if SO is in Credit Block in FORM USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT of MV45AFZZ UserExit or from some BADI.

( Screenshot – 8 )

  • Note :  &EVENT_NAME& will be used to identify the triggered workflow, i.g. workflow is triggered by VA01(Created) or VA02(Changed) or VKM1(Trigger).

Step 2: Common task that will generate SO Details with List of Materials in HTML format.

Below is a sample output of this task that generates HTML content filled with required Sales Order details including a list of materials.

( Screenshot – 9 )

Create an activity with a custom task. ( Screenshot – 10 )

Fill the required field and select Object Category “ABAP Class” and in Object Type “ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT” with Method “MATERIALS”. So each time this method gets called whenever any of the workflows is triggered. Don’t forget to make this task “BACKGROUND PROCESSING”.

( Screenshot – 11 )

In the Container tab declare ITAB with typed ZSOLISTI1_TT( which is Table Type of SOLISTI1 ). So whole HTML content will be stored in this Container Element and this ITAB is going to be placed in UserDecision Task for both workflows.

( Screenshot – 12 )

It is declared with TableType so Multiline is by default checked but in Parameter Settings check the Export checkbox. Because we are receiving HTML in it.

( Screenshot – 13 )

The Binding for this Task is simple. Just you have to pass &ISO& to MATERIALS method and it will return &ITAB&. ( ISO is Sales Order number )

( Screenshot – 14 )

Step 3: Condition to identify workflow. (Condition 000008)

Create a condition step to identify which workflow should trigger. If event_name is “CREATED” or “CHANGED” it will trigger Sales Order Approval workflow and if event_name is “TRIGGER” it will trigger a workflow to release Sales Order from Credit Block.

( Screenshot – 15 )

Step 4: Let us assume EVENT_NAME is ‘CREATED’ or ‘CHANGED’.  That means workflow triggered from VA01 or VA02. ( User Decision 000041 )

Create User Decision step with “Approve” and “Reject” buttons. Pass &ISO& in parameter 1 so it can be used in Title ” Approval for Sales Order: &1″ . &1 is our Sales Order Number. Here agent assignment is dynamic. You can skip this part for now.

( Screenshot – 16 )

In the Control tab, create a new task, and do not forget to make “General Task” in Task Properties.

( Screenshot – 17 )

Assign ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT in the Program Exits tab. So after taking a decision, it will call that class, and here we can perform operations based on the decision.

( Screenshot – 18 )

Double click on Task “TS90000046” in the control tab. Fill all fields as below.

( Screenshot – 19 )

In the container tab, create an element with “MLIST” with the same type as we created “ITAB”. Here the lines of ITAB will be stored in “MLIST”.

( Screenshot – 20 )

Now simply declare “&MLIST[]&” in the Description tab. The whole HTML content will be displayed in User Decision BODY.

( Screenshot – 21 )

Binding for Task “TS90000046”, assign ITAB to MLIST. ( Screenshot – 22)

Goto decision tab, create a new rule and double click it. Fill the required field and in Rule Definition select “Agent Determination: Function to be Executed” and Function Module “ZRULE_FM“. (Need to create ZRULE_FM first before activating this agent assignment). Do not forget to check “Terminate If Rule Resolution Without Result.

So if there is no agent received for a particular SO, it will not trigger/dump workflow.

( Screenshot – 23 )

In the container of this Rule, create an element with the type VBELN and make it Import. ( Screenshot – 24)

Binding is again simple for this, just pass ISO. ( ISO is sales order number ) ( Screenshot – 25 )

As we did binding above for the Rule, there is an element ISO passed to SO_N. This SO_N will be received in ZRULE_FM  in wa_container-value. Based on that VBELN we can get agent from our Custom Table. Append that user-id retrieved from ZSO_APPROVAL to actor_tab.

( Code – 1 )

DATA : wa_actor     TYPE swhactor,
       wa_container TYPE swcont.
DATA : lv_lines TYPE i.

  READ TABLE ac_container INTO wa_container.
  IF wa_container-value IS NOT INITIAL.

*** Sales Order Number(VBELN) will be received in [wa_container-value]
*** Based on that you can find Sales Order Amount and than pass it to ZSO_APPROVAL table
*** So you will get list of approvers.

      wa_actor-otype = 'US'.
      wa_actor-objid = wa_soapp-userid.
      APPEND wa_actor TO actor_tab.


  DESCRIBE TABLE actor_tab LINES lv_lines.
  IF lv_lines EQ 0.
    RAISE nobody_found.

Step 5: Finally, Sales Order Approval acknowledgment will be sent to the workflow initiator.

This email will be received by a workflow initiator with decisions taken by the approver and sales order details.

( Screenshot – 26 )

Create Send Mail step to send mail to the initiator. Here BUS2032 container element have enough data regarding particular Sales Order. So you can use it as bellow.

( Screenshot – 27 )

Step 6: Let us assume EVENT_NAME is ‘TRIGGER’. This workflow trigger when SO is in Credit Block. So associated approver can release it without going into VKM1.

Create Activity and create a task to Instantiate BUS2032 BO by using the sales order number. This step is necessary because to get the complete details of a particular SO.

( Screenshot – 28 )

Double-click on task. Fill the required field and do not forget to check Background Processing.

( Screenshot – 29 )

When you perform the above step, it will auto-generate Object Key, Object type, and Object instance.

( Screenshot – 30 )

Pass ISO to Objectkey and BUS2032 ( as it is – string) to the Object type. So it will instantiate BO implicitly and return it to &BUS2032& Container Element.

( Screenshot – 31 )

Step 7: User Decision for Credit Release.

Create User Decision with “Release” and “Block” buttons and pass Parameter1 with &ISO&. When we trigger the event manually from UserExit by calling ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT-SET_PARAM method with &ISO& and &IUSER&.

( Screenshot – 32 )

Create a new task “TS****”  and do not forget to make “General Task” in Task Properties.

( Screenshot – 33 )

Assign ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT in the Program Exits tab. So after taking a decision, it will call that class, and here we can perform operations based on the decision.

( Screenshot – 34 )

Binding is simple, pass &ITAB& to &MLIST& so HTML content can be displayed on Decision Body. Avoid Extended and Decision_note, I forgot to remove these auto-generated entries.

( Screenshot – 35 )

Step 8: Sales Order Credit Block Acknowledgement sent to the workflow initiator.

Create Send Mail step to send mail to the initiator. Here BUS2032 container element have enough data regarding particular Sales Order. So you can use it as bellow.

( Screenshot – 36 )

Reference Code.

Class ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT – Interfaces, following interfaces must be implemented.

( Screenshot – 37 )

Class ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT – Methods, there are only 3 methods used in this blog.

    • This method is used to handle Decision Taken by the Approver.
    • This method is used to trigger event when so is in Credit Block.
    • This method is used to get Sales Order details and List of materials.

( Screenshot – 38 )

Event_Raised – Method ( Code – 2 )

IF im_event_name EQ 'AFT_EXEC'.
      CHECK ls_wihead-wi_stat NE swfco_wi_status_error
      AND   ls_wihead-wi_stat NE swfco_wi_status_excpcaught
      AND   ls_wihead-wi_stat NE swfco_wi_status_excphandlr.

      l_wf_cont = im_workitem_context->get_wf_container( ).
      l_wi_cont = im_workitem_context->get_wi_container( ).

      CALL METHOD l_wf_cont->get
          name  = 'EVENT_NAME'
          value = _wf.

      CALL METHOD l_wi_cont->get
          name  = '_WI_RESULT'
          value = _res.

***IF A Persion has clicked on Approve button, _res = 0001. and _wf will be received from Workflow.
      IF _res EQ '0001' AND ( _wf EQ 'CREATED' OR _wf EQ 'CHANGED' ).

***Code to change SO status in JEST standard table.
***You can use 'I_CHANGE_STATUS' FM
***After getting approved by the approver, it will trigger workflow to next approver level as maitained in ZSO_APPROVAL Table.
***Manually Trigger workflow to next level approver.
                  WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS.
                      object_type = object_type    "BUS2032
                      object_key  = object_key     "SALES ORDER NUMBER
                      event       = event.          "CHANGED

         ELSEIF _res EQ '0001' AND _wf EQ 'TRIGGER'.

              CALL METHOD l_wf_cont->get
                     name  = 'ISO'
                     value = so_n.

                   vbeln = so_n.


Materials – Method – to generate HTML Content. ( Code – 3 )

*** ITAB and ISO are imporing parameters.
*** By using ISO that is SO Number you can get details of Materials
*** Append each HTML Line to ITAB [ ITAB TYPE ZSOLISTI1_TT ] Create TableType of SOLISTI1.
DATA : wa_contents TYPE solisti1.

    wa_contents-line = |<html><head><style>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t1 {font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border-collapse: collapse;width: 80%;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t1 td, .t1 th {border: 1px solid #000;padding: 2px;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2{font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border-collapse: collapse;width: 100%;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2 td, .t2 th {border: 1px solid #504F4F;padding: 5px;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2 tbody tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2 tbody tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2h1 {padding-top: 12px;padding-bottom: 12px;text-align: left;background-color: #9BC2E6;color: #504F4F;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = '.t2h2 {padding-top: 12px;padding-bottom: 12px;text-align: left;background-color: #A6A6A6;color: #504F4F;text-align:center;}'.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |</style></head><body>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<table border="1" class="t1"><tbody>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Person Responsible</td><td>{ ename }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Sales Organization</td><td>{ wtab-vkorg }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Distribution Channel</td><td>{ wtab-vtweg }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Division</td><td>{ wtab-spart }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Sold to Party</td><td>{ wtab-name1 }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><td>Inco-Terms</td><td>{ wtab-inco1 }</td></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |</tbody></table><table border="1" class="t2" style="margin-top:10px;"><tbody>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><th class="t2h1">List of Material:</th></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<tr><th class="t2h2">Material No</th><th class="t2h2">Material Description</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">Order Quantity</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">UOM</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">Pending Quantity</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">Basic Price</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">Amount</th>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.
    wa_contents-line = |<th class="t2h2">Currency</th></tr>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.

LOOP AT imat INTO wmat.


wa_contents-line = |</tfoot></table></body></html>|.APPEND wa_contents TO itab.

SET_PARAMS – Method. ( Code – 4 )

 METHOD set_params.

    DATA: lv_objtype          TYPE sibftypeid,
          lv_event            TYPE sibfevent,
          lv_objkey           TYPE sibfinstid,
          lr_event_parameters TYPE REF TO if_swf_ifs_parameter_container,
          lv_param_name       TYPE swfdname,
          lv_id               TYPE char10.

    DATA : wa TYPE zmatlist.

    lv_objtype = 'ZSO_APPROVAL_EXIT'. " your class name
    lv_event   = 'TRIGGER'.  " event name.

    CALL METHOD cl_swf_evt_event=>get_event_container
        im_objcateg  = cl_swf_evt_event=>mc_objcateg_cl
        im_objtype   = lv_objtype
        im_event     = lv_event
        re_reference = lr_event_parameters.

    lv_param_name  = 'ISO'.  " parameter name of the event
    lv_id          = iso.

        CALL METHOD lr_event_parameters->set
            name  = lv_param_name
            value = lv_id.

      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_cont_access_denied .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_access_denied .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_type_conflict .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_unit_type_conflict .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_def_invalid .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .

    lv_param_name  = 'IUSER'.  " parameter name of the event
    lv_id          = iuser.

        CALL METHOD lr_event_parameters->set
            name  = lv_param_name
            value = lv_id.

      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_cont_access_denied .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_access_denied .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_type_conflict .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_unit_type_conflict .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_def_invalid .
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .

        CALL METHOD cl_swf_evt_event=>raise
            im_objcateg        = cl_swf_evt_event=>mc_objcateg_cl
            im_objtype         = lv_objtype
            im_event           = lv_event
            im_objkey          = lv_objkey
            im_event_container = lr_event_parameters.
      CATCH cx_swf_evt_invalid_objtype .
      CATCH cx_swf_evt_invalid_event .


Bellow code can be placed in MV45AFZZ user-exit or you can use BADI to call the SET_PARAM method to trigger the workflow.

( Code – 5 )

*** LV_USER is an Approver who is going to take decision whether SO should be removed from Credit Block or Not.

 DATA obj TYPE REF TO zso_approval_exit.
      data lv_user_t type uname.

      lv_user_t = |US{ lv_user }|.
      obj->set_params( EXPORTING iso = vbak-vbeln iuser = lv_user_t ).

      lv_srch = |%{ lv_vbeln }|.       "CONCATE % WITH SO NUMBER

      SELECT wi_id wi_aagent wi_cd wi_ct FROM swwwihead INTO TABLE wtab
          WHERE wi_text LIKE lv_srch AND
          ( wi_stat EQ 'READY' OR wi_stat EQ 'STARTED' OR wi_stat EQ 'SELECTED' ) AND
          top_task EQ 'WS90000016'.

       LOOP AT wtab.
          IF wtab-wi_cd LT sy-datum.
                workitem_id  = wtab-wi_id
                actual_agent = wtab-wi_aagent.
          ELSEIF wtab-wi_cd EQ sy-datum AND wtab-wi_ct LE time.
                workitem_id  = wtab-wi_id
                actual_agent = wtab-wi_aagent.


What did you learn from this blog post?

  • You can create a workflow with standard BO events and custom class event by following this prototype. It is also possible to merge multiple workitem in a single workflow .
  • Dynamic agent assignment using Function Module.
  • You can design your own stylish content in mail body using CSS + HTML.
  • Further, you can also add validation in Outbound Delivery and Invoice as well to restrict it without final level approvel.

( Screenshot – 39 )

Do connect me if there is any issue or if I missed some points.

Thanks & Regards,

Rajesh Kalyanji Rajgor